"The principle that organizes RTMark is that of collaboration. Internally, we collaborate to the fullest extent possible under physical law. Externally, we collaborate with journalists to bring issues that matter to an audience of millions of people. That audience, in turn, is our biggest collaborator in all of our projects—abstractly, concretely, and with an eye to the future."

RTMark is a group of artist-activists promoting the creative subversion of corporate power. Its core is an Internet database of publicly-submitted projects that use humor and cleverness to convey important issues to very broad audiences. RTMark promotes successfully accomplished projects with carefully targeted press releases, much as corporations promote new products. A full list of such projects, along with description and press, can be found at www.rtmark.com/history.html.

  Born 1993, USA

  (see also www.rtmark.com/history.html)
  2001 Sponsorship of the Yes Men (http://www.theyesmen.org/) in London, Salzburg, Tampere
  2000 Construction and promotion of GWBush.com
  1999 Coordination of the etoy support effort ("Toywar")
  1998 Promotional video: Bringing IT to YOU!
  1998 Construction and promotion of GATT.org
  1997 Sponsorship of Deconstructing Beck and other CDs
  1996 Sponsorship of SimCopter Hack
  1993 Sponsorship of Barbie Liberation Organization

  2001 New York Foundation for the Arts Artists Fellowship
  2001 Creative Capital Second Round Funding Grant
  2000 Creative Capital Follow-Up Grant
  1999 Creative Capital Grant
  1999 New York Foundation for the Arts Distribution Grant
  1998 Lyn Blumenthal Fund for Independent Media Grant
  1997 Art Matters Foundation grant
